Under PM Surya Ghar, the govt gives upto Rs 78.000 for a 3KW rooftop solar system and upto Rs 30,000 per Kw for systems below 3 KW. For those going above 3 Kw there are no additional subsidies as the benefits are capped upto 3 KW. In addition to the central subsdies, you get additional subsidies froRead more
Under PM Surya Ghar, the govt gives upto Rs 78.000 for a 3KW rooftop solar system and upto Rs 30,000 per Kw for systems below 3 KW. For those going above 3 Kw there are no additional subsidies as the benefits are capped upto 3 KW. In addition to the central subsdies, you get additional subsidies from states too. Check out your additional state subsidies from your local discom or energy department.
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You can check this through online reviews of the customers of these vendors. Another way to check the veracity of these vendors is through the details given by the National Rooftop Portal. In the portal, you can check the creditentials of this firms like the number of projects undertaken by them andRead more
You can check this through online reviews of the customers of these vendors. Another way to check the veracity of these vendors is through the details given by the National Rooftop Portal. In the portal, you can check the creditentials of this firms like the number of projects undertaken by them and the prices they are offering. MNRE has also introduced rating of the vendors, which is set to start soon.
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